Why have we fragmented ourselves and found our profession limited to Silos

Kim Laxton

Published Date: 2021-11-30
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As the world transforms into a Covid-19 landscape, a beautiful space of physical Recovery and Hope… the Mental Health practioners observe the psychological landscape unfolding, tragically, as predicted. Like a Tsunami raging toward the shore, this new wave is rooted in emotion, desperation, and a call to unite mind, body, and soul.How do we (as a united health professional front) prepare for the inevitable?

We come together. We collectively shake hands and design an integrated, unique approach to holistically hold each person presenting to any discipline of medical practice… and we have a conversation. A Mind, Brain, Physical, Spiritual, Soulful, conversation. We have this opportunity, now. But we cannot wait for the Tsunami to ravage our shores. The wave will come… it is our primary responsibility to unite as a Multidisciplinary Force to protect our (all patients).Hippocrates would, without doubt, agree

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